Today following the afternoon snorkel we did a really interesting biodiversity lab on the boat. We ripped apart algae and gonolithian algae that we got from the snorkel in the afternoon. We found many fascinating creatures in the algae such as small crabs, brittle stars, starfish, fire worms, mantis shrimp and a Caribbean Sea anemone. Everyone learned a lot and was very surprised to see all of the life in the small amount of algae. We were careful not to harm the organisms and then returned them back to their natural habitat safely. -Jeremy and Lacey.
YAY!!! Sabres win the first playoff game 4-1. Drury with two goals, and Campbell with two! Two Woohoo's to Louie for Campbell!!! Also, Campbell had an assist, and got interviewed, he was hot!!! There was one fight with 20 seconds left in the game (Campbell was in it) . You missed it I had Zoey in my Satan jersey (I love that man still!) and me in the Roy ( he's beautiful) jersey. Maybe you guys will me in the hotel for the game on Sat. Hope your having tons of fun! We miss you here. It's quiet, and I have no one to laugh at and with. : ( Love ya tons!!!
Oops, I meant be. Haha I can't spell. Take care of my baby sister!!
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