Easter Service
For Easter service today we walked through the village meeting the local minister. We were informed on the custom where women must wear skirts and have their shoulders covered while men must wear long pants and collared shirts. We had to go back and change to meet the requirements. The congregation sang a lot during the service. The contest for the loudest singer was definitely not won by us.
-Brandon and Alicia
Dear Mom and family, hope you miss me a lot, because I miss all of you guys!! I’m loving it here, it’s so much fun. Love you guys tons!! xoxoxo!!!! Love, Goomer.
Hey guys, Roatan is just what I needed this place is so nice and looks like Jurassic Park even though lee doesn’t think so. And just to clear things up Miss Barratt I have been very nice to your daughter she doesn’t respond well to sarcasm though. Easter was crazy but ill see you when I get home. Love Brandon
We are glad to see you are all having a great time. Brandon, Jurassic Park is not a good thing to compare Roatan to. Your mom's going to freak out. Don't you remember what happens in that movie. We miss you. Take lots of pictures. Love always, Aunt Lori, Ashley and Madison
Hi Brandon,
Easter wasn't the same without you here. You better not be soaking up too much sun. I don't want you darker than I am when you get back! I'm glad you're enjoying your vacation. Kali and Grandma said hi and Aunt Lori loves the Blog site. She checks it every day. Saturday was a little hechtic waiting to hear if you arrived safe. Mr Eames must think I'm a little crazy. I was pulled over by the police rushing home to see if there was a message. Good News...no ticket! Miss you but have lots of fun you deserve it. Love you Mom.
hey brandon whats up?? we missed u at easter!! Im so sick of the snow. Madison wants u to bring Roatan here he he. we have missed u so much cant wait to see u when u come home all tan and stuff. Grandma says that she cant wait for u to get home and madison misses u a lot. have fun and we will see u when u get home.
<3 love,
Kali and madison <3
Hello, great pictures and blogs. We really appreciate them.
Goomer, Easter wasnt the same without you, there wasnt anyone to laugh at. hehe. We miss you more than you could ever know. We are glad youre having so much fun.Take lots of pictures!!Love you tons!!
Brandon, just keep throwing it at her, she'll pick up on it sooner or later.
Have fun and be safe! Love to you all,
The Barratt's
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