What a fantastic trip!
It has been our special privilege to accompany the North Collins Marine Biology Club on an adventure to visit a tropical coral reef ecosystem. The pressures on the reef are so great many leading scientists believe the experience we had will not be possible in a few years because of degradation to the reef. This may truly have been the opportunity of a lifetime.
We would like to thank the students for their careful respect of the reef and it's inhabitants as well as their exemplary behavior on the trip. Hard to believe but I don't recall any complaining! Thanks to Julie Palmer for advising the club and planning the trip. The trip represents an extraordinary effort on her part, well beyond the expectations of a dedicated teacher. We would like to thank the North Collins Central School for allowing the MBC to travel to a healthy coral reef. I believe this decision reflects a vision that embraces education beyond academic achievement to educate the whole child. And finally, a special thanks to Lynn & Bruce Ford for their generous donation of scholarship money for this trip to RIMS.
Thanks Everyone,
Garry & Kathy Dole
"GOD" spoke to me the other day.
He said,
"GO BACK....GO BACK!!!!"
Its also been our privilege to have you two on the trip. It just made it worth the while to have an extra few people around to teach us about the reef, and to enjoy the trip with us. The trip was amazing, and I think I speak for everyone when I say...I want to go back.......
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