After we went to the iguana farm, we had a bus ride to a hydroponics farm. Val, the owner, grows types of lettuces that otherwise could not be grown in the soil of Roatan. He uses PVC pipes with holes in them and a steady stream of water to grow out the roots of the plants to create lettuce to supply the island. This is more efficient and the plants are more nutritious because the stresses of soil are not acting upon the plants. Along with the farm he had a huge orchard full of different plants ranging from cashew and grapefruit trees.
-Brandon and Alicia
So I love checking this webite about 40 times every day to see if something is new. And I love seeing pictures of you in my clothes and bathing suits...makes me almost feel like I was back there. Except of course that its like -8000 degrees here.
Anyways, I'm sooo glad you are having so much fun. I'm missing you like crazy and I can't wait to see you Sunday morning!! xoxoxoxo times infinity!!!!!
Love, Rae :D
Toni, your sister is going to pick you up at the airport,sunday since both your father and I have to work. Don't sneak any lizzards home. A friend of mine found one in her purse at the airport,she said it was little and green and made the customs guy remove it. love mom
Hi mom and dad!! We felt bad that noone else was leaving comments for u guys so here we are.....looks like u guys are having a good time, have a safe trip back and see you in a few weeks!! Love Tim and Danielle :)
What an EXCELLENT Adventure!!!
Hope everyone's bringing those SMILES back with them :D
Have a safe flight back and hope you're not stuck in Newark, again!!!
Snow or no snow, the hot tub's at a balmy 101 and crystal clear - hope you didn't forget your swim trunks Mikey!!! Love ya, :-)
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